Every Body Massage is now Closed

I cannot express the gratitude I have for each and every one of you - from the folks who saw me once to the people who have continued to come back year after year. 

Our time together has shaped me into the practitioner I am today. 

More than this though, your trust, your time, your lessons, your jokes, your laughter, your patience, your feedback, your presence, your calm silences, your tears, your big exhales, your joy, your grief, your solidarity, your bakery treats and homemade meals and everything else you have shared with me over these years together helped me meet my identity and know I could be embraced as myself. 

Forever, thank you. 

To mark our parting of ways, it would mean so much to me if you wanted to share memories, highlights or anything else that comes to mind so I can keep bathing in the warmth of EBM into the future.

If you would like to do this, you can head to this form.

As I embark on my next stage as a fully qualified Occupational Therapist please know you have not seen the last of me! I enter a new learning stage so I can be confident in the skills I can bring back to my community for more collaborations in the future.

See you soon <3


ACON's COVID Coping Forum - September 2, 2021

Keith Quayle, (He/Him) - NSW Community Advocates for People in Prisons
Ayebatonye Abrakasa (She/Her) - DJ, multidisciplinary artist, Creative Director of DIY arts platform Irregular Fit
Ellis Hartland (He/They) - Acon Pride counselling psychologist
Dan Kaplan (She/They) - Accredited Mental Health Social Worker & Clinical Supervisor of Colour
Egan Magee (They/Them) - Remedial Massage therapist and peer educator

Panel moderated by Teddy Cook - Acting Director, Community Health at ACON