This session will aim to provide a foundational overview of approaches to care for folks before and after gender affirming top surgery. Suitable for manual therapists and any practitioners wishing to learn more about supporting clients through this process.
Workshop topics will include:
Developing treatment plans in collaboration with clients
Building allied health teams
Musculoskeletal approaches when preparing for surgery
Recovery and scar remediation
Facilitating grounding and navigating embodiment
Holding complexity moving away from good vs bad +gendered dichotomies.
- All reference videos will have closed captions in english
- Workshop will feature powerpoint slides via zoom screen share. These slides will use font size ranging 20-30 and feature diagrams and schematics of anatomy. Effort will be made to make these as large as possible
- Auslan interpreters are not available for the live workshop but a replay will be made available with closed captions
- The workshop will run for three hours with a break in the middle
This workshop will be run by me, Egan! I am a queer non binary person and I have not had top surgery.
This workshop has been put together using the invaluable research and anecdotal contributions of those with lived experience as well as my professional experience working with folks who regularly bind and folks preparing and recovering from chest surgery.
I would like to extend my acknowledgement and gratitude to the trans and non binary folks that have and continue to share their experiences in the name of furthering care for others.